Straight Talk, Your Opinion Matters | InNature Teas

Straight Talk, Your Opinion Matters

Feb 25, 2021Philip Ireson

I trust this will find you well and in good health.

We are obsessed with our commitment to sharing all the goodness from Teas. We also understand that these have been extremely challenging times. We also believe we can improve and ensure that we are meeting your highest expectations.

We are now attempting to reach out to every single customer that we had the privilege to serve, many for several years, and we have not heard in the past few months.

So for any customer, registered in our Loyalty Program that wants to receive a FREE GREEN TEA, all you need to do is to let us know in a few words your comments, ideas and complaints. This offer is valid until 15 March 2021.

Any customer, registered in our subscription list – Loyalty Program, that has not bought in the past 8 months, since 1 August 2020, will be entitled to receive one EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT OF 25%, with a new order.

All you need to do is to write to us and claim the code for this unique discount exclusively for our Loyal Members for a limited time. This offer ends on 30 March 2021.

Hoping to hear from you.

Warmest Regards,


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