A Natural Remedy for the Common Cold
Nov 05, 2018Gaia Well
It’s that time of year where the air is thick with germs and various strains of the common cold are doing the rounds. Drinking Green Tea and White Tea can help to build up the immune system due to the anti-oxidants they contain and act as a natural preventative to the common cold. However, what should you do if you have already caught one?
We strongly recommend enjoying a cup of hot Black Tea. The mellow and comforting flavour offers a soothing relief to the throat, whilst still providing your body with anti-oxidants. Stirring in a spoonful of raw and wild honey offers further pain relief and acts as a natural anti-biotic as honey naturally contains penicillin in addition to over 600 components including vitamins, enzymes and nutrients essential to the health.
It is also high in Vitamin C, which also helps to build the health of the immune system. Stay warm and healthy with a cup of pure and natural tea.